Our Story

3 years ago, a small bespoke private practice space was created. It was designed to align closely with practice values and treatment goals of mindfulness, grounding techniques and self-regulation. The aim was to create an oasis of calm close to where you live and work right here in the inner city. 

Now in this purposefully created space, designed to incorporate the principles of mindfulness and self-regulation, Calibrate Psychology has aligned the environment and the psychological treatment to maximise your treatment effects. All has been designed along sensory dimensions to maximise your experience of mindfulness through the use of music, flowers, essential oil diffusers, warming drinks, cool beverages, timber floorboards, handmade woollen rugs and aesthetically pleasing comfortable furnishings. The combination of evidence-based treatments in therapeutic purposefully created environments is a powerful one.

The benefits of mindfulness and present-moment awareness are well documented however, taking those mindful moments each day can be difficult for us. At Calibrate Psychology the practice environment helps to remind you to take a moment to pause and ground yourself prior to your therapy session.

The Calibrate Psychology + Wellness Team